Sales and Marketing (Corporate Package)


Sales and Marketing (Corporate Package)



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No one is born a sales person.  No one has a special gift that makes customers buy products/services. Everyone can, however, learn how to sell successfully.  By learning to communicate with customers, build lead lists, and sell the company’s services with authority; anyone can be a successful sales person.

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Body Language Basics

Call Center Training

Coaching Salespeople

Contact Center Training

Creating a Great Webinar

Employee Recognition

Event Planning

High Performance Teams (Remote Workforce)

High Performance Teams Inside the Company

In Person Sales

Internet Marketing Fundamentals

Marketing Basics

Media And Public Relations

Motivating Your Sales Team

Multi-Level Marketing

Overcoming Sales Objections

Presentation Skills

Proposal Writing

Prospecting and Lead Generation

Sales Fundamentals

Servant Leadership

Social Media Marketing

Telephone Etiquette

Top 10 Sales Secrets

Trade Show Staff Training


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