Servant Leadership

Product Points : 200Points

Servant Leadership


Course Objectives:

  • Definition
  • Know the characteristics of servant leadership
  • Recognize the barriers
  • Learn to be a mentor and a motivator
  • Practice self-reflection

Servant Leadership

Servant leadership can seem like a contradicting term, but it is becoming a very popular tool in many businesses. It is a philosophy that involves focusing on others (i.e. your employees) and focus on their success, and in turn, build better professional relationships that can benefit both manager and employee.  It shows that managers can be great leaders while boosting their employee’s confidence and further their success at the same time.

Servant Leadership

What is Servant Leadership?

Servant leadership is a business philosophy that emphasizes that a leader, be it a manager or supervisor, focuses on the growth and development of their employees and promotes employee success.  By doing so, the leader succeeds when their employees do.  In a business team, servant leadership can not only help employees achieve and grow, but it can also benefit their leaders and the company as a whole.

A Desire to Serve

It is a leader’s responsibility to guide their followers.  To become a better leader, it’s not enough just to take the wheel and steer – you must also be willing to serve your followers and assist them on their own journey.  A servant leader should have a desire to serve their employees, which means getting to know them on a personal level, and supporting them through challenging times. Take the time to assist in their growth and help them work toward achieving their goals.  Don’t be afraid to give of yourself in the processes and become part of their evolvement.

Putting Others First

One of the main principles of servant leadership is the act of putting other’s needs ahead of your own.  As a leader, we can sometimes think in the ‘ME’ mentality, and focus on our own agenda and needs, but in servant leadership, the leader focuses on the current needs and wants of their employees, and help them become successful.  A leader should strive to develop relationships and even friendships with their employees and deliver feedback when necessary.  They must be able to set their own ego aside and realize that without their team of employees, no one can be successful.

With our course , you will discover the specifics of how servant leadership works and how it can benefit both leaders and employees!

Course Objectives:

  • Definition
  • Know the characteristics of servant leadership
  • Recognize the barriers
  • Learn to be a mentor and a motivator
  • Practice self-reflection


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