Sales And Marketing

No one is born a sales person. No one has a special gift that makes customers buy products/services. Everyone can, however, learn how to sell successfully. By learning to communicate with customers, build lead lists, and sell the company’s services with authority; anyone can be a successful sales person.

  • Sales And Marketing

    Body Language Basics

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Body Language Basics

    Course Objectives: 

    • Define body language.
    • Understand it’s benefits and purpose of interpreting.
    • Learn to interpret basic movements.
    • Recognize common mistakes when interpreting.
    • Understand what you are communicating.
    • Practice your skills.
  • Sales And Marketing

    Call Center Training

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Call Center Training

    Course Objectives:

    • Define and understand call center strategies.
    • Identify different types of buying motivations.
    • Create SMART Goals.
    • Familiarize myself with strategies that sharpen effective communication.
    • Use proper phone etiquette.
    • Set benchmarks.
  • Sales And Marketing

    Coaching Salespeople

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Coaching Salespeople

    Course Objectives:

    • Understand coaching
    • Identify the difference between coaching and training
    • Monitor data
    • Practice coaching activities
    • Affect company culture
  • Sales And Marketing

    Contact Center Training

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Contact Center Training

    Course Objectives:

    • How to get management involved in training.
    • Why peer training works.
    • That manners are important with a contact center.
    • How to build rapport with the callers.
    • How to deal with difficult customers.
  • Sales And Marketing

    Creating a Great Webinar

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Creating a Great Webinar

    Course Objectives:

    • Define webinars and their purpose
    • Choose the best formats
    • Prepare for webinars
    • Avoid common mistakes
    • Understand how to interact with the target audience
    • Follow up successfully
  • Sales And Marketing

    Event Planning

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Event Planning


    Course Objectives:

    • Understand the different types of events
    • Understand the planning process
    • Know how to organize your event
    • Understand how to manage and organize your staff effectively
    • Know how to tie up loose ends after the event
  • High Performance Teams (Remote Workforce)

    Course Objectives:

    • Define high performance teams.
    • Define remote workforce.
    • Understand the characteristics of a high performance team.
    • Understand how to create teamwork.
    • Understand the importance of communication.
    • Understand how to train your high performance team of remote employees.
    • Learn how to manage a high performance team.
    • Learn the techniques of an effective team meeting.
  • High Performance Teams Inside the Company

    Course Objectives:

    • Understand the benefits of high performance teams
    • Address challenges
    • Conduct effective meetings
    • Be able to see the big picture
    • Work collaboratively
    • Adequately praise team members
  • Sales And Marketing

    In Person Sales

    $199.00 Add to cart

    In Person Sales

    Discover the specifics of what it means to become an effective salesperson, and the steps to success.  You will learn how to connect with customers and move them

    Course Objectives:

    • Understand this sales technique
    • Explain the sales funnel
    • Explore sales techniques
    • Develop loyalty
    • Identify ways to build a customer base

    through the sales process.


  • Sales And Marketing

    Internet Marketing Fundamentals

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Internet Marketing Fundamentals

    Course Objectives:

    • Know how to conduct market research
    • Develop a workable internet marketing campaign
    • Recognize your target market
    • Understand your brand
    • Grasp SEO and website characteristics
    • Find and capture leads
  • Sales And Marketing

    Marketing Basics

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Marketing Basics

    Course Objectives:

    • Define your market.
    • Know the different types of marketing and ways to use them.
    • Learn effective ways of communicating with the customer.
    • Know how to set marketing goals and strategies.
    • Recognize common marketing mistakes and know how to avoid them.
  • Sales And Marketing

    Media And Public Relations

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Media And Public Relations

    Course Objectives:

    • Network for success
    • Manage “Meet and Greet” opportunities
    • Dress for success
    • Write effectively
    • Set goals
    • Manage media relations
    • Plan issue and crisis communication
    • Use social media
    • Deliver effective employee communication
  • Sales And Marketing

    Motivating Your Sales Team

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Motivating Your Sales Team

    Course Objectives:

    • Discuss how to create a motivational environment
    • Understand the importance of communication and training in motivating sales teams
    • Determine steps your organization can take to motivate sales team members
    • Understand the benefits of tailoring motivation to individual employees
    • Apply the principles of fostering a motivational environment to your own organization
  • Sales And Marketing

    Multi-Level Marketing

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Multi-Level Marketing

    Course Objectives:

    • Know how multi-level marketing works
    • Build contacts
    • Recruit new agents
    • Be familiar with social media and marketing
    • Provide training for recruits
  • Sales And Marketing

    Overcoming Sales Objections

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Overcoming Sales Objections

    Course Objectives:

    • Understand the factors that contribute to customer objections.
    • Define different objections.
    • Recognize different strategies.
    • Identify the real problems.
    • Find points of interest.
    • Learn how to deflate objections and close the sale.
  • Sales And Marketing

    Presentation Skills

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Presentation Skills

    Course Objectives:

    • Perform a needs analysis and prepare an outline
    • Select presentation delivery methods
    • Practice verbal and non-verbal communication skills
    • Overcome nervousness
    • Develop and use flip charts with color
    • Create targeted PowerPoint presentations
    • Utilize white boarding for reinforcement
    • Describe how video and audio enhance a presentation and list criteria for determining what types to use
    • Enrich the learning experience with humor, questions, and discussion
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