
  • Sales And Marketing

    Multi-Level Marketing

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Multi-Level Marketing

    Course Objectives:

    • Know how multi-level marketing works
    • Build contacts
    • Recruit new agents
    • Be familiar with social media and marketing
    • Provide training for recruits
  • Career Development

    Negotiation Skills

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Negotiation Skills

    Course Objectives:

    • Understand the basic types of negotiations, the phases of negotiations, and the skills needed for successful negotiating
    • Understand and apply basic negotiating concepts: WATNA, BATNA, WAP, and ZOPA
    • Lay the groundwork for negotiation
    • Identify what information to share and what to keep to yourself
    • Understand basic bargaining techniques
    • Apply strategies for identifying mutual gain
    • Understand how to reach consensus and set the terms of the agreement
    • Deal with personal attacks and other difficult issues
    • Use the negotiating process to solve everyday problems
    • Negotiate on behalf of someone else
  • Workplace Essentials

    Networking (Within the Company)

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Networking (Within the Company)

    Course Objectives:

    • Define networking
    • Understand networking principles
    • Use networking tools
    • Avoid common mistakes
    • Understand how to build relationships
    • Manage time successfully
  • Workplace Essentials

    Networking Outside the Company

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Networking Outside the Company

    Course Objectives:

    • Identify and avoid obstacles
    • Implement networking principles
    • Use online tools
    • Prioritize contacts
    • Manage networks effectively
  • Workplace Essentials

    Office Health and Safety

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Office Health and Safety

    Course Objectives

    • Identify common illnesses
    • Understand how they spread
    • Recognize symptoms
    • Apply treatment and prevention techniques
    • Establish an Emergency Response Plan
  • Supervisors And Managers

    Office Politics for Managers

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Office Politics for Managers

    Office Politics for Managers Workshop

    You have likely experienced some form of Office Politics. Working with different personalities, opinions, backgrounds, and values is a challenge in any environment. It is an inevitable fact that when people are working together personalities can and will clash. No one is an island, so working together as a team is incredibly important for the organization and every employee.

  • Administrative Skills

    Organizational Skills

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Organizational Skills

    Course Objectives:

    • Examine current habits and routines that are not organized
    • Learn to prioritize your time schedule and daily tasks
    • Determine ways of storing information and supplies
    • Learn to organize personal and work space
    • Learn to resist procrastination
    • Make plans to stay organized in the future
  • Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)

    Outlook 2016 Essentials

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Outlook 2016 Essentials

    Course Objectives:

    • Connect one or more email accounts
    • Preview, read, reply to and forward messages
    • Process, create, format and check messages
    • Use advanced message options
    • Organize messages
    • Use signatures and stationary
    • Automate replies and organization
    • Clean up and archive messages
    • Create, organize and manage calendars, appointments, meetings and events
    • Create and manage notes and tasks
    • Create and manage contacts and contact groups
    • Customize the Outlook environment settings
    • Print and save Information
    • Perform search operations in Outlook
  • Sales And Marketing

    Overcoming Sales Objections

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Overcoming Sales Objections

    Course Objectives:

    • Understand the factors that contribute to customer objections.
    • Define different objections.
    • Recognize different strategies.
    • Identify the real problems.
    • Find points of interest.
    • Learn how to deflate objections and close the sale.
  • Supervisors And Managers

    Performance Management

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Performance Management

    Course Objectives:

    •  Define performance management.
    • Understand how PM works and the tools to make it work.
    • Learn the three phases of project management and how to assess it.
    • Discuss effective goal-setting.
    • Learn how to give feedback on performance management.
    • Identify Kolb’s Learning Cycle.
    • Recognize the importance of motivation.
    • Develop a performance journal and performance plan.
  • Career Development

    Personal Branding

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Personal Branding

    Course Objectives

    • Define your image.
    • Control your image.
    • Understand how to sharpen your brand.
    • Use social media appropriately.
    • Manage your brand in a crisis.
    • Develop a professional appearance.
  • Personal Development (Corporate Package)


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    Personal development refers to the process of self-improvement and learning to enhance one’s skills, knowledge, abilities, and overall well-being. It involves setting goals, acquiring new skills, fostering positive attitudes, and continuously evaluating and improving oneself.

    Personal development is a lifelong journey that requires self-reflection, self-discipline, and a growth mindset. It can lead to increased self-confidence, personal fulfillment, and a greater sense of purpose in life.

    Video descriptions for each course are available below.

    Click here for course details

    Quantity discounts may apply. FAQ

    Enter your organization name and choose desired quantity of each course.

  • Personal Development

    Personal Productivity

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Personal Productivity

    Course Objectives

    • Set and evaluate SMART goals
    • Use routines to maximize their productivity
    • Use scheduling tools to make the most of their time
    • Stay on top of their to-do list
    • Start new tasks and projects on the right foot
    • Use basic project management techniques
    • Organize their physical and virtual workspaces for maximum efficiency
    • Take back time from e-mail and handheld devices
    • Beat procrastination
  • Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)

    PowerPoint 2016 Essentials

    $199.00 Add to cart

    PowerPoint 2016 Essentials

    Course Objectives:

    • Create Presentations from scratch or templates
    • Insert and format slides, handouts and notes
    • Change Presentation views and configurations
    • Insert and work with text, pictures, audio and video
    • Work with tables, charts, and SmartArt
    • Use transitions and animations
    • Prepare for a presentation, including the slide size, narration, and timing
    • Manage multiple presentations
  • Sales And Marketing

    Presentation Skills

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Presentation Skills

    Course Objectives:

    • Perform a needs analysis and prepare an outline
    • Select presentation delivery methods
    • Practice verbal and non-verbal communication skills
    • Overcome nervousness
    • Develop and use flip charts with color
    • Create targeted PowerPoint presentations
    • Utilize white boarding for reinforcement
    • Describe how video and audio enhance a presentation and list criteria for determining what types to use
    • Enrich the learning experience with humor, questions, and discussion
  • Career Development

    Project Development 7th Edition

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Project Development 7th Edition

    Course Objectives:

    • Define projects and project management
    • Explore the changes with the 7th edition and past editions
    • Recognize the factors that contribute to a system for value delivery
    • Identify the ethics that are most important for project management
    • Explore the 12 Project Management Principles
    • Identify the 8 Project Performance Domains
    • Understand the Tailoring Process
    • Define and explore models, methods, and artifacts

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