Career Development (Corporate Package)


Career Development (Corporate Package)


Note: Prices for corporate packages calculated below.

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Career development refers to the process of managing and advancing an individual’s career over time. It involves identifying personal career goals and aspirations, and taking steps to achieve them through skill development, networking, and job opportunities.

These career development courses will assist your employees with the practical skills they need to become an even more valuable asset to your organization.

Detailed descriptions for each course are available from the links below.

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Course Details

Click on link to see details for each course.

Building Confidence and Assertiveness

Communication Strategies

Creative Problem Solving

Creativity: Thinking Outside the Box

Developing Creativity

Digital Citizenship


Interpersonal Skills

Leadership Development for Women

mLearning Essentials

Negotiation Skills

Personal Branding

Project Development 7th Edition

Telework and Telecommuting

Ten Soft Skills You Need

The Cloud and Business

Time Management-Free Course


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