Workplace Harassment

Workplace Harassment


Course Objectives:

  • Identify the words and actions that constitute harassment.
  • Understand what the law says about harassment.
  • Implement anti-harassment policies.
  • Educate employees and develop anti-harassment policies.
  • Discuss the employer’s and employee’s rights and responsibilities.
  • Address accusations of harassment.
  • Apply proper mediation procedures.
  • Deal with the aftermath of harassment.


Workplace Harassment

Experiencing uncomfortable situations in the workplace may be more than an offense against an individual, it can be a crime committed against the law. It is very important for everyone to understand the laws that protect and promote a safe and healthy workplace. Unfortunately, even with laws in place, various forms of harassment still occur in businesses across the world, so it is necessary for the policy makers of those companies to create programs that educate their employees on how to identify harassment and apply anti-harassment policies.

Harassment can be based on a variety of factors that differ from the one doing the harassment, such as race, sex, and disability. Experiencing uncomfortable situations in the workplace may be more than an offense against an individual. It can be a crime committed against the law, which is why this topic has become very important for every organization.

Workplace Harassment

Three main actions that constitute harassment:

  1. When someone is doing something to you to make you uneasy.
  2. When someone is saying something to you to make you feel uneasy.
  3. When someone knowingly puts your life at risk in some way.


The Workplace Harassment course will help give you the tools necessary to recognize harassment in the workplace as well as understand your rights and responsibilities under the law, with regard to safety in the workplace. Through this course, you will recognize that it is necessary for everyone to help create programs that teach employees to identify harassment and exercise anti-harassment policies.

Course Objectives:

  • Identify the words and actions that constitute harassment.
  • Understand what the law says about harassment.
  • Implement anti-harassment policies.
  • Educate employees and develop anti-harassment policies.
  • Discuss the employer’s and employee’s rights and responsibilities.
  • Address accusations of harassment.
  • Apply proper mediation procedures.
  • Deal with the aftermath of harassment.

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