Universal Safety Practices

Universal Safety Practices


Course Objectives:

  • Understand the importance and legal responsibilities of safety
  • Perform risks assessments
  • Establish a safety program
  • Monitor safety
  • Communicate safety policies

Universal Safety Practices

The importance of safety cannot be overstated. Every organization is responsible for the safety of employees while they are working. In 2015, OSHA estimated safety problems cost companies $1 billion a week. Understanding universal safety practices and how to implement them will help keep everyone protected while ensuring the company’s financial security.

The Importance of SafetyUniversal safety practices

Safety may seem like a boring topic, but an unsafe work environment cannot be ignored. Employers have a legal and ethical obligation to keep all their employees safe. Understanding the risks that companies face, along with the benefits that safety practices provide, will help establish why universal safety practices are so important.


Legal Responsibilities

Federal, state, and local laws all place legal responsibility for safe workplaces on employers. OSHA, for example, demands the display of safety posters for employees to see. Employees are legally protected from engaging in hazardous workplace activities or in unsafe conditions. There are specific guidelines for different sectors, but most companies are responsible for the same universal safety guidelines which will be addressed in this manual.

When employers are lax in safety, they face legal problems. Inspectors can fine infractions, and people can be injured, or killed. Cases of severe negligence may result in lawsuits, sanctions, and possible criminal charges.


Risk is “A probability or threat of damage, injury, liability, loss, or any other negative occurrence that is caused by external or internal vulnerabilities, and that may be avoided through preemptive action,” according to businessdictionary.com. Everything comes with a risk, even safety. Unfortunately, many safety programs fail. The risks that accompany safety practices are:

  • No safety culture – there is no buy-in
  • No objectives – no clear goals have been set
  • Uncertain roles and responsibilities – employees do not know what is expected of them
  • Training – It is poor or nonexistent
  • Poor supervision – Leaders do not supervise, or are inconsistent with enforcement

Failure to pay attention to the potential risks associated with implementing universal safety practices can cause great damage to the organization.

With our  course, you will discover how safety affects employee engagement and the bottom line. Safety may seem like a boring topic, but an unsafe work environment cannot be ignored.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the importance and legal responsibilities of safety
  • Perform risks assessments
  • Establish a safety program
  • Monitor safety
  • Communicate safety policies

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