Top 10 Sales Secrets

Top 10 Sales Secrets


Course Objectives:

  • Learn how to develop effective traits
  • Learn how to “know” your clients better.
  • Better represent the product/service
  • Cultivate effective leads
  • Sell with authority
  • Learn how to build trusting, long term relationships with customers

Top 10 Sales Secrets

“Sales” is much more than providing the customer with the goods, in exchange for money. Sales involve a relationship, not only between the sales representative and the customer, but the company and the customer. There are many qualities customers look for in, not only products, but in sales people. Being the only link between the product and the customer, it is important to develop these important qualities.

Top 10 Sales Secrets

No one is born a salesperson.  No one has a special gift that makes customers buy products/services.  Everyone can, however, learn how to sell successfully.  By learning to communicate with customers, build lead lists, and sell the company’s services with authority, anyone can be a successful salesperson.

Effective Traits

We usually end up avoiding the pushy salesperson. The one that follows you around the store, asking a million questions. There are many traits in a sales representative that we all avoid. Being that salesperson that a customer wants to see and to talk to takes a little bit of practice. You can become that salesperson, and eventually lead the customer to the purchase, and create a positive, long lasting relationship.


There is a fine line between being assertive and being aggressive. Being pushy and overly aggressive can not only offend customers but also scare away perspective customers. On the other hand, by being assertive, and in tune with the customer’s needs, you can draw them in.

Always be calm, positive, and honest about the product/service. This will convey the message that you are an authority in the field.

With our “Top 10 Sales Secrets” course, you will discover the specifics of how to develop the traits that will make you a successful salesperson and how to build positive, long-lasting relationships with your customers!

Course Objectives:

  • Learn how to develop effective traits
  • Learn how to “know” your clients better.
  • Better represent the product/service
  • Cultivate effective leads
  • Sell with authority
  • Learn how to build trusting, long term relationships with customers

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