Personal Development

Personal development refers to the process of self-improvement and learning to enhance one’s skills, knowledge, abilities, and overall well-being. It involves setting goals, acquiring new skills, fostering positive attitudes, and continuously evaluating and improving oneself.

Personal development is a lifelong journey that requires self-reflection, self-discipline, and a growth mindset. It can lead to increased self-confidence, personal fulfillment, and a greater sense of purpose in life.

  • Adult Learning: Mental Skills – Bloom’s Taxonomy

    Course Objectives:

    • Understand Bloom’s Taxonomy
    • Explain the cognitive domain
    • Explore the two cognitive domains
    • Explain types of knowledge
    • Identify training in the cognitive domain
  • Personal Development

    Adult Learning: Physical Skills

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Adult Learning: Physical Skills

    Course Objectives:

    • Understand Bloom’s Taxonomy
    • Explain the psychomotor domain
    • Explore the different psychomotor taxonomies
    • Explain ways to implement training in the psychomotor domain
    • Identify psychomotor activities
  • Personal Development

    Anger Management Skills

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Anger Management Skills

    Course Objectives:

    • Understand anger dynamics in terms of the anger cycle and the fight and flight theory.
    • Know common anger myths and their factual refutations.
    • Know the helpful and unhelpful ways of dealing with anger.
    • Understand the difference between objective and subjective language.
    • Know tips in identifying the problem.
    • Express a feeling or position using I-messages.
    • Negotiation and solution-building.
    • Reflect on one’s hot buttons and personal anger dynamics.
    • Learn and practice de-escalation techniques.
  • Personal Development

    Attention Management

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Attention Management

    Course Objectives

    • Define and understand attention management.
    • Identify different types of attention.
    • Create strategies for goals and SMART goals.
    • Be familiar with methods that focus attention.
    • Put an end to procrastination.
    • Learn how to prioritize time.
  • Personal Development

    Being a Likeable Boss

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Being a Likeable Boss

    Course Objectives:

    • Understand how to develop leadership qualities
    • Know how to delegate effectively
    • Choose inspirational and engaging tasks for yourself and others
    • Use wisdom and understanding to lead others
    • Identify the roles of your team
    • Learn how to trust others and earn their trust
  • Personal Development

    Critical Thinking

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Critical Thinking

    Course Objectives

    • Understand the components of critical thinking
    • Utilize non-linear thinking
    • Use logical thinking
    • Recognize what it means to be a critical thinker
    • Evaluate information using critical thinking skills
    • Identify the benefits
    • Revise perspective, when necessary
    • Comprehend problem-solving abilities

    Critical Thinking Course Summary

  • Personal Development

    Developing Emotional Intelligence

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Developing Emotional Intelligence

    Course Objectives: 

    • Define and practice self-management, self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, and empathy.
    • Understand, use and manage your emotions.
    • Verbally communicate with others.
    • Successfully communicate with others in a non-verbal manner.
    • Identify the benefits of emotional intelligence.
    • Relate emotional intelligence to the workplace.
    • Balance optimism and pessimism.
    • Effectively impact others.
  • Personal Development

    Goal Setting and Getting Things Done

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Goal Setting and Getting Things Done

    Course Objectives:

    • Overcome procrastination
    • Manage time effectively
    • Accomplish important tasks
    • Self-motivate
    • Create SMART goals
  • Personal Development

    Improving Mindfulness

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Improving Mindfulness

    Course Objectives:

    • Define mindfulness
    • Develop techniques to make oneself more attuned to the present moment
    • Understand the value and utility of one’s emotions
    • Learn how to identify and counter distorted thinking
    • Learn how to cultivate genuine positive emotions
    • Become more fully present in social interactions
  • Personal Development

    Improving Self Awareness

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    Improving Self Awareness

    Course Objectives:

    • Define the self and different aspects of the self
    • Learn from introspection
    • Understand the nature and value of emotions
    • Appreciate themselves
    • Appreciate others
    • Improve effectiveness
  • Personal Development

    Increasing Your Happiness

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Increasing Your Happiness

    Course Objectives:

    • Discuss how planning ahead cultivates workplace happiness
    • Create a nightly routine and daily plan
    • Relate more effectively to others in the workplace
    • Understand how the workspace environment impacts happiness
    • Think more positively
    • Take actions that will create greater workplace happiness
  • Personal Development

    Job Search Skills

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Job Search Skills

    Course Objectives:

    • Define your objectives and purpose in your search for employment.
    • Help you establish SMART goals in the job-hunting process.
    • Assist you in developing a first month plan of action for your job search.
    • Craft an effective resume.
    • Form an attractive cover letter.
    • Develop and present a portfolio of your prior work.
    • Learn networking skills in finding leads for jobs.
    • Efficiently get interviews and thrive in the interview process.
  • Personal Development

    Life Coaching Essentials

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Life Coaching Essentials

    Course Objectives:

    • Determine the purpose of life coaching
    • Define benefits
    • Know the tools and techniques
    • Outline a life coaching session
    • Know the different areas of life coaching
  • Personal Development

    Managing Personal Finances

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Managing Personal Finances

    Course Objectives:

    • Discover how to establish financial goals
    • Evaluate where financial cuts can be made
    • Learn the basics about expenses
    • Determine what tools you need to stick with your budget.
  • Personal Development

    Managing Workplace Anxiety

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Managing Workplace Anxiety

    Course Objectives:

    • Explore different types of workplace anxieties
    • Learn to recognize symptoms and warning signs
    • Determine ways of coping and managing problems
    • Recognize common trigger and accelerants
    • Learn the difference between anxiety and common nervousness
  • Personal Development (Corporate Package)


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    Personal development refers to the process of self-improvement and learning to enhance one’s skills, knowledge, abilities, and overall well-being. It involves setting goals, acquiring new skills, fostering positive attitudes, and continuously evaluating and improving oneself.

    Personal development is a lifelong journey that requires self-reflection, self-discipline, and a growth mindset. It can lead to increased self-confidence, personal fulfillment, and a greater sense of purpose in life.

    Video descriptions for each course are available below.

    Click here for course details

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