Marketing Basics

Marketing Basics


Course Objectives:

  • Define your market.
  • Know the different types of marketing and ways to use them.
  • Learn effective ways of communicating with the customer.
  • Know how to set marketing goals and strategies.
  • Recognize common marketing mistakes and know how to avoid them.

Marketing Basics

Thanks to the rise of technology and social media, the world of marketing and advertising has become bigger than ever. Marketing has gone beyond the classic printed ads, billboards or even television commercials. Unfortunately, this can cause any company to become confused or even intimidated about getting their product or service out into the market. But if we can learn the right strategies with the right tools, we can break into the marketing world without fear or hesitation.

Marketing Basics

What is Marketing?

Sometimes marketing is confused with the simple act of selling or increasing sales. But marketing is the channel companies take to grab the customers’ attention and bring them to make a purchase. A team often manages marketing since the job itself can cover many different tasks and duties. It is often the first step in building a relationship with the customer and building brand recognition.

What is a Market?

A market is loosely defined as a medium where customers and sellers with shared interests and desires conduct business. For example, there is a transportation consumer market. A market has a broad definition, and it is necessary for marketers to find the customers in the market who will purchase their products. The process of identifying potential customers is finding a target market.

Marketing Basics will give you the basic knowledge and the ability to build and grow your business. Marketing has changed a lot recently and having a new perspective will give you the needed information to assist you in your marketing decisions. No matter what your product or service is, your business will benefit with a better understanding of marketing.

Course Objectives:

  • Define your market.
  • Know the different types of marketing and ways to use them.
  • Learn effective ways of communicating with the customer.
  • Know how to set marketing goals and strategies.
  • Recognize common marketing mistakes and know how to avoid them.

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