Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship


Course Objectives:

  • Define digital citizenship.
  • Use technology appropriately.
  • Use social networking to create your brand.
  • Protect your reputation online.
  • Practice safe use of technology.
  • Understand digital etiquette.

Digital Citizenship

The Internet has changed the way that people connect, communicate, and conduct business. The digital age has provided many benefits, but it does have a downside. Given the sheer volume of digital information that we send and receive each day, it is important to learn basic citizenship skills. These skills will help prevent missteps and keep your digital relationships running smoothly.

Digital Citizenship

What Is Digital Citizenship?

Mike Ribble defines it as using technology responsibly and appropriately. Anyone who interacts regularly online automatically becomes a digital citizen. Like any other community, it requires members to behave in a mature and civil manner. Good citizens ensure that digital users have safe and pleasurable experiences.

Digital citizens all belong to the digital society, and they need to adhere to the norms and rules that have been established. There are nine elements that people experience when they interact online. These interactions define what occurs when online.

Nine Normal Elements:

  • Access – Citizens have different levels of access. Full access should be a goal of citizenship.
  • Commerce – Buying and selling online is increasing, and consumers need to be aware of what they purchase and the legality of their purchases.
  • Communication – There are numerous ways to communicate online, and citizens need to make wise decisions about what and how they communicate.
  • Literacy – Technological literacy requires people to keep up with digital changes.
  • Etiquette – Citizenship comes with a responsibility to follow etiquette when communicating with others.
  • Law – Citizens have a responsibility to behave ethically and be aware of laws governing them.
  • Rights and Responsibilities – The rights of users are shared equally. These rights come with responsibilities.

Our course will give you the guidance needed in the ever changing digital world. As our lives are lived more and more online we all need to translate our social skills into the virtual world.

Course Objectives:

  • Define digital citizenship.
  • Use technology appropriately.
  • Use social networking to create your brand.
  • Protect your reputation online.
  • Practice safe use of technology.
  • Understand digital etiquette.

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