Supply Chain

  • Administrative Skills (Corporate Package)


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    Administrative skills refer to the abilities and competencies required to efficiently and effectively manage administrative tasks and responsibilities. These skills are essential for professionals in various administrative roles, such as office managers, executive assistants, and administrative assistants, as well as various employment roles.

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  • Administrative Skills

    Supply Chain Management

    $199.00 Add to cart

    Supply Chain Management

    Course Objectives:

    • Take a look at inventory management
    • Study supply chain groups
    • Review tracking and monitoring methods
    • Examine supply chain event management
    • Comprehend the flows of supply chain management and data warehouses
    • Understand the levels of management and their effects
    • Identify how it relates to: Customer satisfaction, Improving performance, Lowering costs, and Product development

    With Supply Chain Management your company and employees will be on target to lower costs, improving efficiency, and increase customer satisfaction. This course will provide your employees with the understanding of how Supply Chain Management can improve and help almost any type of business.

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