Health and Wellness at Work

Health and Wellness at Work


Course Objectives:

  • Access Health and Wellness Program Needs
  • Plan a Program
  • Implement a Program
  • Maintain a Program

Health and Wellness at Work

Health and wellness are important aspects in anyone’s life. Having employees who are happy and healthy is important in a company. Employees who are happy are more productive, and stay longer with the company. Offering a health and wellness program helps you as an employer, while helping your employees.

A healthy employee is a happy and productive employee, and that is a goal for every organization. Through this program, you will experience the benefits of a healthier lifestyle and workplace.

Health and Wellness at Work

Definition of a Health and Wellness Program

Understanding the meaning of a health and wellness program is the first step in effectively creating one. Every year companies spend massive amounts of money on health related issues that could be avoided. A good qualtiy program can help alleviate some of these expenses. Let’s explore together how a health and wellness program could help you, and your company

What is a Health and Wellness Program?

When your employees are happy and healthy, they cost your company less money in health expenses, and have better lives in general. According to a study done by the National Coalition on Health Care, employer insurance premiums increased 7.7 percent, twice the rate of inflation. So, what exactly is a health and wellness program? A health and wellness program is a corporate program that is implemented to enhance physical and/or mental health. There are many types of health and wellness programs, and many benefits, depending on the program. They can help reduce health insurance costs, safety incidents, and even absenteeism. According to the National Safety Council, nearly one million workers a day are absent due to stress, costing American companies roughly $300 billion a year in loss of productivity, and the cost of temporary help.

This  course will be instrumental in creating a “Culture of Wellness” within your organization. You will touch on common issues such as smoking cessation, nutrition & weight loss, and preventative care. Health and Wellness is the responsibility of everyone in an organization so take the positive step and create a program at your organization.

Course Objectives:

  • Access Health and Wellness Program Needs
  • Plan a Program
  • Implement a Program
  • Maintain a Program


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