6 Tips For Building Confidence and Assertiveness


We all have the power to change our confidence levels. Ultimately, taking control of our self-confidence will help us to take control of our lives. Confidence and assertiveness are practices that are learned. Everyone has the ability to both acquire and improve these skills over time. Through mindful and reflective practices, we can gain courage and self-awareness. Growing in confidence is integral to business success, in that it can create a stronger reputation, increase happiness, and help in gaining resiliency to bounce back from any obstacles. There are many simple tools that we can implement into our daily lives to develop confidence and build resiliency.


There is no denying that confidence can help to improve results and advance careers. It affects how we communicate with those around us, as well as how others perceive who we are. There is great authority in being able to connect a powerful presentation to important ideas. Sounding confident will lead us towards success. By feeling and sounding confident, we are better able to connect to our audience and show certainty in the information that is being shared. It’s common to feel nervous when speaking in front of others. This nervousness is typically presented through fast-talking, passive words, and a quivering voice. Unfortunately, these nerves can hold us back from great opportunities. With good preparation and a powerful mindset, anyone can show confidence and assertiveness when communicating to others.

There are many ways to display confidence in our communication, including:

  • Have a strong knowledge of the subject: Prior to communicating any ideas, be prepared with valuable information and understand how it can be presented with authority.
  • Speak clearly and enunciate words: Avoid mumbling. A clear speech will help to avoid any misunderstandings, captivate the audience, and demonstrate confidence.
  • Avoid filler words: Words such as ‘um’, ‘like’, or ‘you know’ cause the speaker to lose credibility on their information. Instead, pausing in silence will help to gain clarity on our thoughts.
  • Speak with a smile: Smiling will convey confidence and allow the speaker to appear happier and more approachable.
  • Do not belittle yourself: Avoid saying things such as, “This may be wrong”, or “I’m new, so this may not make sense”. This can be damaging to displaying a confident image.


Our thoughts have a powerful effect on shaping our confidence. Positive words and affirmations can significantly improve one’s confidence by breaking down negative beliefs that may otherwise hold us back. Negative thinking creates limitations, whereas positivity helps to keep people motivated towards their goals. Shifting our thoughts into positive ones will allow us to focus on what we can do, rather than what we can’t do. By showing compassion to ourselves, we can create an optimistic outlook for both our personal and professional life.

Positive affirmations are messages that we can tell ourselves to motivate our lives. While it is often easier to affirm those around us, we have to be able to provide encouraging words to ourselves as well. Affirmations are simple and effective ways to remove the negative thoughts that prevent us from achieving our goals. They are written as if the aspiration has already been achieved, in present tense. It can be helpful to post these affirmations next to a computer screen, on the refrigerator, or any other visible location. Through reciting these positive statements, we can gain belief in the words said and put them into action.

Examples of positive affirmations may include:

  • I am powerful. I am in control.
  • I am a capable and competent person.
  • I am valuable and significant.
  • I am an example of motivation.
  • I am strong, confident, and successful.


Striving for goals is a fundamental part of strengthening one’s self-confidence. Goals give us drive and a sense of direction for our life path. When setting goals, it’s crucial that they are specific, measurable, and align with our personal values. Goals that are individually specific are what will set us up for success. Having a clear objective will make it easier to set boundaries and make decisions that follow the objective that we have set. By knowing the path that we are following, we will be more motivated and energized to head that direction. In turn, achieving these goals will boost our confidence, and further motivate us towards future successes. They allow us to reach important milestones that will influence future inspirations. Every team member can gain confidence through setting personal and professional goals.


Morning routines have a significant effect on shaping the rest of the day. Essentially, morning habits can either influence a productive and confident day, or one that is full of negativity and self-doubt. Successful people create a morning routine that allows them to start their day with confidence and good intentions for the day ahead. It’s important to start the day with habits that help us feel fueled and ready to conquer whatever challenges may arise. By simply making our beds in the morning, we are accomplishing one task on our list. Through implementing an effective morning routine and feeling confident about the day, we can achieve greater success, happiness, and fulfilment.

To start the day with confidence and optimism, consider the following:

  • Wake up early: This allows us to get a head start on the day, in which we can take time for ourselves, whether it is journaling, enjoying a coffee, or reading.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast: Food is necessary for the body and mind, and fuels us to be confident for the day. Some healthy breakfast ideas include eggs, fruit and yogurt, smoothies, or oatmeal.
  • Visualize goals and intentions for the day ahead: It’s important to decide what we want, and then work towards it. This helps to set us up for success.
  • Make a list of gratitude: Showing gratitude is known to have a positive impact on our overall wellness, and helps to improve sleep, happiness, confidence, and our relationships with others.
  • Start the day with stretches and exercise: Allowing our bodies to move is a great confidence builder, and makes us feel good and energized all day long.
  • Use affirmations to increase motivation: Our mindset has a significant impact on the outcome of our daily lives. A positive mindset will encourage us to do better, accomplish our tasks, and strive towards our goals.


Visualization is the practice of using one’s imagination to help picture success, which can be an excellent tool in building confidence. We can use visualization to constructively influence our goals, and shape how we feel about tackling challenging tasks. Visualization can be helpful for someone who is trying to get a promotion, preparing for a presentation, or applying to a new job. By seeing themselves become successful, they are more likely to make that happen. For example, if someone is interviewing for a position, they may envision themself sitting in the interview room and proficiently answering possible questions that could be asked. This is a great tool to help someone deal with a stressful situation, or one in which they are not feeling confident about. Visualizing success will build a strong mental image of our future goals, and encourage self-confidence.

Here are some steps to help visualize a future event:

  1. Determine what the goal is going to be.
  2. Envision the scene and what the environment might look like.
  3. Consider the steps that would make this moment successful, whether it is perfecting the answers to interview questions or how you can effectively engage an audience during a presentation.
  4. Continue to visualize this moment until it is time to make it happen.
  5. Approach the visualized situation with confidence.


Facing our fears can have life-changing results. Fear has a negative impact on confidence, self-esteem, and overall success. Whether it is public speaking, meeting new people, or starting a new position, it is natural to feel some level of fear. The best way to overcome these fears are to face them, and accept them. Strengthening one’s mindset about how fear is perceived will help us to build confidence to try new things and take on new challenges. It’s advantageous to visualize ourselves performing our fearful tasks with confidence, in order to instruct our minds on how to take action. The key is to challenge our fears, rather than ignore them.

To overcome fears, consider the following:

  • What exactly is the fear? Where did it stem from?
  • What would happen if I did not avoid this fear?
  • What are the pros and cons of taking this risk?
  • How can I overcome this fear?


Are you ready to set your trainees up for success with these skills? Sign them up today for our updated Building Confidence and Assertiveness Workshop today!

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