Networking (Within the Company)

Networking (Within the Company)


Course Objectives:

  • Define networking
  • Understand networking principles
  • Use networking tools
  • Avoid common mistakes
  • Understand how to build relationships
  • Manage time successfully

The Power of Networking (Within the Company)

Networking has become a crucial part of the world today. Most people are aware of external networking and primarily focus on that. It is important to pay extra attention to internal networking, or networking within the company. To be truly effective, internal networking must be utilized throughout the Networking

It is easy to overlook the need to make connections within your own organization. The benefits of networking at work, however, are valuable to any career. These benefits include the shared knowledge and increased opportunities. Networking within the organization will also improve your professional image.

Never underestimate the importance of making connections at work. The personal relationships that you create at work will grow your network in more ways than one. You are directly connected with your coworker, but you are also indirectly connected with the members of your coworker’s network. Every connection that you make increases your chances of being referred for new opportunities and greater responsibility.

Making network connections at work provides the ideal opportunity for shared knowledge. Knowledge sharing is a two-way street. When your connections share knowledge, you will learn how to avoid the mistakes they made and benefit from their experience. Additionally, the information that your connections provide will help inspire new ideas.

Sharing your own knowledge provides its own benefits. When you are able to share valuable information with contacts, you can develop your reputation and expertise. In turn, you can create opportunities for yourself.

With this course you will learn how internal networking is changing the workforce. Through this course, you will gain a new perspective, and see the benefits that come from fully utilizing and making connections within the company.

Course Objectives:

  • Define networking
  • Understand networking principles
  • Use networking tools
  • Avoid common mistakes
  • Understand how to build relationships
  • Manage time successfully

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