Author name: JamesT

Building Confidence and Assertiveness – Part 1

This is the first in a series of articles about Building Confidence and Assertiveness This series of articles will help you in the following ways: Strengthening your self-confidence is a powerful step in shaping your life and creating future success. The ability to be confident and assertive are crucial skills for personal development, displaying authority […]

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Business Acumen

Business Acumen – Keen Business Sense

It’s a broad concept, really. At its essence, business acumen is about having a holistic understanding of how a company operates and makes money. It involves everything from financial literacy (understanding profit and loss statements, balance sheets, cash flow) to strategic thinking (spotting opportunities and threats in the market). It also encompasses the ability to

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Ouch newsletter

Phantom Voices: Defend Against Voice Cloning Attacks

AI possesses the capability to clone voices, which can potentially be misused for scamming purposes. To safeguard against the dangers of voice cloning technology, consider the following measures: 1. Be wary of emotional manipulation and act rationally. 2. Look out for inconsistencies in vocal cadence and urgency, as well as unfamiliar phone numbers. 3. Establish

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Accountability in the Workplace

Accountability helps to ensure that every employee will take responsibility for their performance and behaviors, and continue to manage this responsibility. When we implement goals and communicate with one another, we can achieve powerful results. Building an accountable workplace requires strong teamwork and collaboration. Every team member must have a strong understanding of the values

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